Data Analytics, Open Data & Media Strategies For Public Policy

Ashley and her project team from Georgetown University Security Studies Program delivered an information technology system prototype for NYC first responders in 2019.
She was also a communication officer during 2016 -2018. She created various open databases for public health emergencies, equal education policies and charity resources. She accordingly made and implement marketing strategies to promote these databases:
- Two of her blog post attracted 8,000 clicks within an hour after published, which drive the database page visits by 25%.
- She also launched online and offline initiatives to recruiter more than 300 volunteers.

Ashley was a research assistance at Georgetown Center For Social Justice between 2018 – 2019. ASK program works with DC local juvenile justice department to provides peer tutoring with the overarching goal of disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Ashley’s work included:
- Performed data entry by organizing unstructured tutoring record data into local government database.
- Collected, reviewed and analyzed youth attendance data and identified youth that need special care and counseling.
- Optimized the workflow to ensure on time and quality delivery, which helped ASK consolidate the partnership with stakeholders.

An interactive dashboard on global journalist data

Master Thesis
Sounding the Alarm for “Watchdogs”: Threats to Journalists’ Digital Safety and Protection Strategies

Women Rights and Public Health
Ashley was a visiting fellow in South Korea on women rights and public health . She published 2 news stories on these issues areas on NGOCN, the website of a Chinese nonprofit news organization.

Equal educAtion Opportunity
Ashley published an investigative news story published on two top Chinese public policy news outlets. This news story investigates the policy gaps for equal education opportunity related to the child-adoption policy.
Ashley was also a visiting fellow in South Korea on women rights and public health policy in 2016.
Digital Walk
I connect media and data with creativity and passion.